Far Rockaway Chimney | 502 21 St, Far Rockaway, NY 11691

About Far Rockaway Chimney Services

We are a dedicated chimney sweep business operating 24/7 in Far Rockaway, providing reliable and popular services to ensure your chimney is safe and efficient.

gray metal shed with pink door
gray metal shed with pink door



Trusted by locals

24/7 Service

Location Info

Far Rockaway Chimney operates 24x7, providing reliable chimney sweep services to our community and ensuring safety and satisfaction for all our customers.


502 21 St, Far Rockaway, NY 11691


Open 24/7

Chimney Showcase

Explore our chimney sweep services in action, available 24x7.

red watchtower
red watchtower
house with chimney smoke
house with chimney smoke
two white metal air vents during daytime
two white metal air vents during daytime
green train in winter
green train in winter
white and brown concrete house surrounded by tree
white and brown concrete house surrounded by tree
H&M building
H&M building